Sweet Destination
I was lucky enough to stop by Sweet Destination one day when co-owner Shelly Henderson was working and she was gracious enough to allow me to photograph her shop. She is an engaging personality and a joy to talk to. I left her with a plethora of questions and the following is how she answered them…
“I wanted to create a shop that was unique and a treat for local residents . . . one where they felt like they were at the coast or as some have said, “I feel like I’m in a Hallmark movie.” There were no shops in this area that offered fine chocolates, bulk candies, children’s toys, and infant clothing and accessories, so we wanted to fill that void and bring valley residents something special.
Starting Sweet Destination is my second profession. I always had two dreams—one to teach and the other to start my own business. I’m now living my second dream. I’m a kid at heart, and I wanted to create a shop that was fun for all ages and one that would give families the opportunity to experience a good, wholesome time together. Everyone loves candy, and there was a void left when Coffee & Candy closed ten years ago, and a void left when Merry Mart, a local children’s clothing shop closed three years ago.
As a retired educator, I also wanted to provide children with opportunities to experience good old-fashioned play time (away from phones, iPads, and TV). Our quality educational and retro toys let kids gain hands-on experience with everything from role play sets, wooden puzzles, trucks, and trains to Jacks, paper dolls, and Gyro Wheels. I knew ten years ago that someday I would open a fun shop for kids of all ages.
Our customers walk in with a smile because they know they will be greeted with a smile and treated kindly. They love our great variety of products, our warm environment, our friendly service, and great price points. They feel appreciated and express how wonderful it is to have a shop like ours in Reedley.
One of the most exciting aspects in running Sweet Destination is to bring in new products on a regular basis and to change how the store looks. We always want it to look new and interesting.
We’d like to get our web site up and running and possibly offer on-line ordering in the future. Many people follow us on Facebook and Instagram, but most hear about us by word of mouth.
I was born in Reedley but grew up in Dinuba and attended Dinuba schools from 1st grade through high school. I then attended Reedley College and transferred to Fresno State where I obtained my business degree. I married Mike, my high school sweetheart, after I graduated and then got my single subject teaching credential in business. My first teaching job was in Clovis, and then we moved back to Dinuba after living in Fresno the first few years of our married life. I stayed home to raise our two children and then went back to Fresno State and obtained my MBA in 1992. I was an adjunct faculty member at Reedley College for four years and then was hired as a business instructor at Dinuba High School in 1994. Mike and I have two fabulous children and five grandchildren, and we live on 5 acres just east of Dinuba.
During my tenure at Dinuba High, I taught in the business department for two years and then was asked to take on the position of Activities Director, Leadership teacher, and Student Council advisor. I passionately took on this challenge for the next 18 years, and I was honored with the Warren Shull Award in 2014 for creating the best leadership and activities program in the state of California. In 2014, I transitioned into the Home Economics Department, so I could help the new activities director and finally retired after 22 years at Dinuba High School in 2016.
From the first idea of creating a store to opening took about nine years. We visited just about every candy and toy shop during all of our vacations over those years as well as bought vintage props at estate sales, antique shows, and auctions in anticipation of our opening.
We purchased the building seven years ago and spent quite a bit of time renovating the building, trying to bring it back to its original state so we could rent the building until we were ready to both retire and open up Sweet Destination.
To test the waters while I was still teaching, I became a co-op at Trinkets and Treasures in Kingsburg and sold children’s toys. For nearly 2 ½ years, I got a taste of purchasing products, helping customers, operating the register, etc. while I worked some days after school and some Saturdays. I wanted to learn all I could about retail and make sure I would love working in a store as much as I thought I would before opening our own store. We didn’t know anything about making chocolates, so a year before we opened, we spent many Saturdays training with Stafford’s in Porterville.
We did a final renovation beginning one year before we opened to tailor it for chocolates and candy. We had to make sure everything met the Health Department requirements. One of the things that makes our store so warm and inviting is the environment. We have exposed a natural brick wall and the original tin-punched ceiling. A beautiful laminate floor runs the length of the entire store and many of the props and fixtures have a vintage flair . . . from the wringer washing machine filled with popcorn to the 50’s Wedgewood stove sporting baking and kitchen-type toys for creative play. Our refurbished 50’s refrigerator holds our bottles of Dad’s Old-Fashioned Root Beer, Coca-Cola, bottled water, and Rosa Brothers Cold Brew Coffee Milk.
Our store dedication and soft opening was on Saturday, October 29, 2016, and our first day open to the public was on Monday, October 31. To date, we’ve been open for just less than 1 ½ years
When you walk through our doors, you’ll be greeted with a friendly smile and welcome that will set the tone for the rest of your visit. You’ll feel at home as you see and smell locally baked pastries, hand crafted truffles, and freshly brewed coffee. If you’re looking for a great selection of bulk and bagged candies, nuts, granolas, and trail mixes, look no further. Our locally grown dried fruits are a real treat as well.
You’ll be delighted by our great selection of handmade signs, bows, and children’s toys–retro, educational, novelty, role play, and so much more. All the kids need to add is their creativity. Our children’s books, plush animals, and puppets are also extremely popular.
If you’re looking for a baby gift, we can help. You’ll find adorable footies, outfits, blankets, bibs, and other special accessories for that little one.
You’ll not only fall in love with our products and service but our beautifully restored building featuring the original tin-punched ceiling, brick wall, wood floors, and nostalgic props throughout the store.
We wanted to promote local products, so we decided to sell Lanna Coffee from Fresno and L. T. Sue Tea from Hanford. Both companies give 25 percent back—Lanna to the Thai villages they partner with and L.T. Sue to rebuilding Chinatown in Hanford. Our newest local product is the result of a partnership between Rosa Brothers in Tulare and Lanna Coffee, so we now sell Rosa Brothers cold brew coffee milk.Our fine chocolates are made by Stafford’s Chocolates in Porterville, and our pastries are baked fresh each morning by Martha Macias, head of the Home Economics Department at Dinuba High School. We also carry honey from Bradshaw Farms out of Visalia, and dried fruit from Simonian Farms in Clovis.
Yachiyo Ayers, from Reedley, makes wooden signs, infant and girls’ bows and headbands, burp cloths, and jewelry. To our customers’ delight, she takes custom orders for signs and bows. Ed Abair, from Dinuba, makes beautiful wooden rocking chairs for toddlers and doll cradles.
We created a dipping room with a glass window where customers can watch us use our chocolate tempering machines to dip some of our own goodies like strawberries, caramel/chocolate pretzel rods, and dried fruit. We also make chocolate-dipped Rice Krispie treats, almond and peanut clusters, peanut brittle bark, rocky road bars, and caramel apples. We’re “famous” for our Smurtles which is our own creation. Imagine a treat that combines everything you would find in a Smore and a turtle. They’re absolutely delicious!
In addition to the products I have already mentioned, we also carry greeting cards; retro and educational toys; candy; bulk nuts, granola, and trail mixes; gourmet popcorn and snacks; hot chocolate; children’s books; puppets; plush animals; and role play outfits for year-round fun.
Reedley Moms: They also have seasonal displays of fun and unique gift items, like the Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Teacher Appreciation gifts they are featuring currently. The plush little lambs and bunnies steal my heart every time I look into the shiny black eyes and feel that chinchilla like faux fur.
We can’t compete with on-line sales or big box stores, but we can provide a warm welcome and smile when customers walk through our door. We have a designated area where children can actually play with some of our toys, and we can help their parents or grandparents choose that perfect age-appropriate gift. We can offer that homemade or local product, help moms-to-be register for their baby showers, and create a special gift basket for any special occasion. When customers purchase that perfect gift, we’re happy to wrap it up in a bag with tissue and a ribbon (complimentary of course.)
Definitely my favorite part about owning Sweet Destination is interacting with our customers. We see our store as a ministry to encourage and to love on our customers. We want to get to know our customers by name and hear their story . . . to learn about their lives . . . to come alongside them in good and bad times. Sometimes, people just need a listening ear.
I love playing with the children and showing them how to play with our toys, and I love listening to the elderly talk about their past and what they’re doing now.
When customers forget their credit card in our machine or leave sunglasses or other possessions behind, I will go to great lengths to notify them or return it to them in person. I have met customers during unofficial hours or stayed later than 5:30 to wait for a customer running late.
When children listen to their parents and are well mannered in our shop, I will let them know how proud I am of them and offer them a complimentary sucker. Many times I will help carry the customers’ gift bags or gift baskets to their cars and open the door for those who need an extra helping hand.
One elderly woman was having a particular problem with her retirement center, and I personally called on her behalf and was able to resolve the problem.
I donate gift baskets and gift certificates to organizations in our surrounding communities and especially to groups with which my customers are associated.
Our team consists of my co-ops, my husband, Mike, and three part-time employees. My husband and I own Sweet Destination, but my daughter, niece, and sister help out during extra busy times or special occasions. My niece spent countless hours entering our entire inventory before we opened.
My sister teaches music to K-2nd graders for Dinuba Public Schools, and she led the storytelling and singing during our “One Special Night” events in December.
My husband gets to the store early every morning and thoroughly cleans the store. He picks up all of our food products in Porterville, Los Angeles, Visalia, Fresno, Hanford, and Tulare and is my chauffeur when we go to trade shows in Las Vegas or San Francisco. He also enjoys helping customers at the store as well.
We were blessed to have Amanda from Channel 30 come to our shop and feature us on the news—once when we first opened and again just after our first anniversary.
We were featured in the December issue of Enjoy Magazine and have been covered in the Reedley Exponent several different times.
The Visalia Times Delta covered our new shop on a two-page color spread beginning on the front page of the Local section (dated November 8, 2016).
Then The Fresno Bee featured us on the front and second pages of the Food section on December 21, 2016. Both articles gave us a wonderful boost start.
I serve on the Reedley Downtown Association Board and help plan events like Trick or Treat on G, Ladies Night Out, and the Farm Equipment Electric Parade. I am involved in the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce and attend their monthly Good Morning Reedley events.
We participated in Tiger Days last year at Reedley College, and this year we are organizing and operating a booth at the Rotary Auction. We also spearheaded the first Trick or Treat on G last year which brought 1,000 children dressed in costume to trick or treat downtown.
We also host pre-school and elementary educational tours of our shop. The children hear stories, sing, help bag and label candy, watch me do some dipping, see behind the scenes, and leave with a sweet treat.
I was also invited to be a guest speaker for about 60 young mothers at the MOM’s group at the Mennonite Church in Reedley and for a group of women at Sierra View Homes.
We were honored to be voted the best gift shop in Reedley which was sponsored by the Reedley Exponent.
“We’re worth the trip!”
“We’re worth the trip”is their tagline and they really are worth it. They have invested so much of themselves in this adorable shop and it shows how much they love it and their customers. Shelly is so much more than someone to serve you, she is a genuinely caring and loving person. Stop by sometime and plan to stay a while because you are not going to want to leave.
Open from 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Fridays
and from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays
Closed on Sundays.
Open every day except for major holidays
Located at 1115 G Street in Reedley near the downtown clock.
If you stop by, please tell them you saw this article on ReedleyMom.com!
What a cool shop! Great article!