Articles Saving Money

Beginning Coupons





When I first started using coupons these websites were very helpful to me.  They have step by step instructions that explain how to shop sales and use coupons making even more savings.

I know it’s hard to think about a coupon for only .25 being of real value, but I look at it this way, if I saw a quarter laying on the ground, would I pick it up or pass it by?  I’d pick it up!  When you start adding these things up, if you only save 2.50 per week on groceries and shampoo, in one year you will have saved $130!  That is definitely worth it!  I’d rather put that money in my pocket rather than someone else’s!

I hope you at least give it a try, don’t overwhelm yourself at first.  I used to shop for only what I needed but if you buy the items you use when they are on sale and stock up on them for when you do need them, you can save as much as 50% off the retail price.  I started by shopping only for sale items and saved 50% on my first purchase, not even using coupons!

My next attempt was CVS using stacked coupons, that is buying a sale item, with a manufacturer’s coupon plus a CVS coupon.  If you work the Extra Care Bucks right you can pay pennies on the dollar sometimes.  I hope you find this a fun challenge and I hope to hear about your adventures!

Happy saving!


This is a blog I started before I did the website.  It tells you about my first attempts at couponing and buying on sale.

I Save Money You Can Too



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